HFMA South Texas Valley Forum – September 18 in Edinburg, TX

2014 HFMA Fall President’s Meeting in Chicago, IL

Great opening panel at the 2014 Fall Presidents Meeting in Chicago

HFMA Fall President’s Meeting in Chicago, IL

2014 Fall Presidents Meeting Region 9 dinner in Chicago

2014 Fall Presidents Meeting Region 9 Cubs Game
South Texas HFMA Fall Institute – October 23 in San Antonio, TX

South Texas HFMA Board Meeting 10/22/14

South Texas HFMA Board Meeting 10/22/14

South Texas HFMA Board Meeting 10/22/14

South Texas HFMA Fall Conference at Club Sonterra

Chris Snyder, President of South Texas HFMA Chapter kicking off the meeting.

Maria Pouwels and John McDermott from ECG Management Consultants

John Hawkins from THA

Michael Orr and Travis Skinner from BKD

Clint Owen – President-Elect of the South Texas HFMA Chapter introducing a speaker

Anne Dunkelberg from Center for Public Policy Priorities

Michael “Bill” Carbrey from Peak Performance Physicians, LLC

Ryan White from Eide Bailly

Scott Woodward with Leido Health