Dear HFMA South Texas Colleagues,
Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2017 is a year full of good health, opportunities, success and fun. As I get older I can’t believe how time goes by so fast. We are halfway through our fiscal year and it feels like we just started.
As we look back on the last three months, the South Texas Chapter continues to THRIVE! We had a fantastic Region 9 meeting in New Orleans in November. Thanks to John Montaine and David Glazener for representing South Texas on the Region 9 planning committee. If you missed it, you missed a great time. Also, our Leadership Forum was held Jan. 20 at the Blanton Art Museum in Austin. The meeting was filled with interesting healthcare and leadership topics. The Forum ended with a guided tour of the museum and a networking event at Sholtz Beer Garten. I want to thank Chairman John Knighten and the program committee for all its hard work.
We ask you to invite a colleague to join HFMA. We include the membership goal, set by National, and progress in each newsletter so you can see how we are doing. Please help us meet our membership goal by renewing your membership or sponsoring a colleague. This can be done online at
www.hfma.org/membership. Membership satisfaction is also tracked. Thank you to those who took the time to complete the membership satisfaction survey. We value your feedback!
We have many exciting programs scheduled in the upcoming months. Healthcare Landscape 2017, our annual joint conference with the South Texas Chapter of ACHE and the Greater San Antonio Healthcare Foundation, is scheduled for Feb. 24 at the St. George Maronite Center. The speakers include Mary Mirabelli, HFMA National Chair and Vice Admiral Raquel C. Bono, Director, Defense Health Agency, Medical Corps, United States Navy. The HFMA Texas State Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Austin, March 26-28. There will be great educational sessions and a networking event at Maggie Mae’s on 6th Street for conference attendees. The South Texas HFMA Annual Institute is set for May 22-23 at the Embassy Suites Riverwalk in San Antonio. Please visit our website
www.stxhfma.org for details and registration.
Not only are we busy wrapping up the planning of these programs, but we are busy preparing for next year. This includes identifying individuals to fill next year’s leadership roles, coordinating strategic initiatives and continually looking for ways to improve. If you have suggestions or are interested in taking a more active role in the Chapter, please email me at dkorn@bkd.com.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve the South Texas Chapter.
Cheers to a Happy & Healthy New Year!
David W. Korn