October has arrived which normally means cooler weather, shorter days and leaves turning those magical colors. “Not so fast”, to quote Lee Corso on ESPN during the Saturday Game Day show. Most of Texas has experienced excessive rain fall in the spring, extended heat this summer met with lack of rain, drought conditions and most recent in North and Central Texas, flooding rains again; meaning I still have to mow the yard! Slow to come but I think fall is finally upon us!!
As we all know fall normally signifies football and I have noticed a trend that most conversations, business and personally start with something about our little league team, our college team and or our favorite pro team on what happened that weekend or what will happen in the next game (basic trash talking). I recall in my travels this summer seeing team shirts on fans 6-8 weeks out from the season with anticipation of great things to happen.
As I reflect on what I just said it reminds me of today’s healthcare; expecting one thing and getting another. Uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring, how will we cope, can we survive the storm, what will it look like when its passed…..my friends I don’t know that anyone has the complete answer but what I do know is that we are blessed to live in a great nation and a great state that can and will survive whatever storm you may encounter.
National HFMA & the South Texas Chapter of HFMA strives every day to provide value to its members to deal with these unforeseen episodes of change. Develop educational programs that keep you ahead of the curve on the ever changing healthcare landscape. As I stated in our last newsletter, the chapter as a whole has undertaken several changes which at times has been daunting. But with that said, we have endured and come out with what is becoming a great resource for our members to get engaged, stay engaged and learn from those around the state and nationally. We are not done, I assure you, but it takes you as members to help to continue that growth by giving us feedback on what we do right and where we may have missed the mark.
You should have received the annual membership survey just a few days ago. I ask that you please do not simply disregard it. The Board of Directors and Committee Chairs spend a great deal of time reviewing your responses. To date our chapter stands at a 67% member approval rating; better than most but not good enough…..help us achieve the highest marks!
Again, please take the time to share your valuable feedback. I promise you—it will not go unheard. At a national level HFMA continues to evolve. The changing landscape of our industry has challenged the National Board to answer the question, “How can we better serve our members in this dynamic climate?” I am excited about the initiatives shared with us while at the Fall President’s Meeting. The Region 9 Presidents and Presidents Elects discussed; how we can provide education despite the increasing constraint on time and budgets; and how HFMA help us navigate our way through these changing times. With so many “unknowns”, HFMA asks all of us to, “Go Beyond”, to make a difference. It’s everyone’s job not just one!
As usual, I want to extend my continued thanks to our sponsors and their invaluable support. In addition, our chapter would not function without the hard work of the Board, Chairs and volunteers—I am thankful for your time and effort.
To you–our members–please get engaged—it will improve your experience more than you can imagine!
Enjoy the holidays and take care,
Clint D. Owen