Dear HFMA South Texas Colleagues,
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your 2016-2017 President. I can’t believe how quickly the time goes. I was just starting to get the hang of this president thing and we are almost through our fiscal year.
First, I would like take this opportunity to recognize the many people who make it possible for the South Texas Chapter to continue to THRIVE. To our sponsors, none of this could be done without your support, THANK YOU! To the officers, board, committee chairs, co-chairs and volunteers, I am grateful for the time and talents you all continue to contribute. To the past presidents, your support, encouragement and advice has meant more than you know. It takes an inspired team to coordinate and facilitate the programs and initiatives we deliver and I am lucky to be a small part of it.
As we look back on this past year, we held fantastic educational and networking opportunities for our members-most recently, Healthcare Landscape 2017, our annual joint conference with the South Texas Chapter of ACHE and the Greater San Antonio Healthcare Foundation. The speakers included Mary Mirabelli, HFMA National Chair and Vice Admiral Raquel C. Bono, United States Navy, Director, Defense Health Agency, Medical Corps. The HFMA Texas State Conference was back in Austin this year with great educational sessions and a networking event at Maggie Mae’s on 6th Street that bowled people over. Thank you to John Knighten, John Montaine and David Glazener for representing South Texas on the planning committees.
This year the chapter rolled out the South Texas smartphone app. The app enables you to communicate with chapter members and get real time, interactive information from the chapter. Also, this year the chapter established a collaborative pool environment for our volunteers. What this means is volunteers are able to assist in any area of need we have from programs, sponsorship, member retention, newsletter, and so forth. Volunteers are not stuck in any one area and it allows more opportunities to work in various areas throughout the year to support our chapter initiatives. We believe this flexibility will foster a greater sense of participation by providing true insight to what is done within the chapter.
The chapter counts on you, the members, to continue to voice areas of improvement needed to meet today’s healthcare challenges. We count on you to get involved. If you have suggestions or are interested in taking a more active role in the chapter, please email me at dkorn@bkd.com.
Please join us at an upcoming event. The South Texas HFMA Annual Institute is set for May 22-23 at the Embassy Suites Riverwalk in San Antonio. In August our Summer Institute, will be held in Austin with the Central Texas Chapter of ACHE. Please visit our website www.stxhfma.org for details and registration.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve the South Texas Chapter.
David W. Korn